Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Well.... this week there is not much to say because my companion was sick for the whole week... It was so bad!! He had Chinkunguya ... Its from a mosquito... The country is getting it its just a bad sickness to get... luckily I haven't gotten it....YET. haha but no we stayed in the house for the whole week he couldn't even walk this sickness consists of fever, throwing up, diarrhea, and causes your bones to just hurt which causes swelling.. Yeah my comp had it this whole week..
I was like his mother!! hahaah I never thought I would have kids on the mission haha jk This whole week I studied soooo much so that was good!
One thing that happened that was just awesome is that my comp was feeling better yesterday so we left and we had received a reference from a member and it was his buddy from work. He brought us to him and we taught him and wife. They were so interested, they were asking so many questions about the plan of salvation! My companion and I were so happy! We got out of the lesson and starting walking back home and we just started going crazy because we had received another family. Oh how the Lord is helping us so much! What a blessing it is. It is also so great to work with members, the work is so much easier! That was my Great Chinkunguya week! hahaha no but we are doing great, enjoying everything, and working hard!!!! Love you all! MISS you all!
Elder Santacruz

Pro Cooker

Chinkunguya is no fun

Happy 4th of July

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